COVERS ONE in my shop now!

This is a collection of cover versions I've recorded in the past years.
I've uploaded some of them to various sites at some point over the years, but I thought it'd be a nice idea to compile them all together in some form.
So, I went on a wild goose chase of old hard drives to find the original mixes and such.
All tracks have been remastered and I hope they sound mighty fine to you all now.
It's a little trip thru what makes up my musical DNA in the sense of artists + songs,..
so you'll be travelling from Bob Dylan to Talking Heads back to Frank Sinatra...

Whoa,... hold tight and have fun!
Dirk, Hamburg November 2017

COVER ONE (2007-2017) comes in a wonderful handmade cardboard slipcase.

2022 Dirk Darmstaedter